Mensa Membership is open to persons who have attained a score within the upper 2 percent of the general population on an approved intelligence test that has been properly administered and supervised.

​We normally administer the Mensa Admission Test several times each year, at one or more locations within our assigned territory (the ten counties of downstate New York). Our local testing schedule is decided season by season.
Alternatively, you may qualify for membership by submission of a prior IQ test score accepted by American Mensa. An exceptionally high score on certain editions of tests such as the SAT, GRE, ACT, Stanford-Binet, WASC, and many other similar exams, you may find you're already eligible to join. Visit American Mensa's website for more information on qualifying test scores.
If you don't feel completely ready for the supervised official test, you can warm up at home, or just about anywhere you feel comfortable, with some unofficial tests.

You can take Mensa International's online Mensa Workout for free, or American Mensa's online Mensa Practice Test for $9.99
Testing is also offered by most other Local Groups, and as well at some Regional Gatherings and the Annual Gathering. If you think another area might be convenient for you, visit that Local Group's website or sign up for access to American Mensa's national Testing Calendar: https://www.us.mensa.org/join/
If you are ready to register for one of our tests, or have questions about testing in our area, you may contact Testing Coordinator Marghretta McBean directly, at testing@gnym.org.

If you were ever notified by American Mensa that you qualify, but never actually joined, click here to join officially.
If you don't speak English as your native language, Mensa offers a culture fair test. For more information head to, https://www.us.mensa.org/join/testing/.
If you are a lapsed member of American Mensa, click here to rejoin.
If you are a current or member of any other national Mensa, click here to transfer in.
If you don't reside in the United States, click here to select a different National Group.